Are you curious about what the Lord has in mind for the Hebrew year 5783? I believe it will be a banner year for the righteous, with the manifestation of many promises over which we have been fasting and praying. If you're curious, read on for the seven prophetic words the Lord gave me for 5783!
Seven Prophetic Words for the Hebrew Year 5783
1. According to Joel 2:18-27, the latter rain outpouring begins not with the worldwide outpouring of God's Spirit, but with financial provision.
Joel 2:18-19, 23-24 and 26 are extremely specific about this. These verses all discuss the restoration and outpouring of grain, new wine and oil to God's people.
"Grain" is financial provision; "new wine" is Holy Spirit's restoring and refreshing work inside the heart, mind, will and emotions; "oil" is His anointing to minister to others. God's work begins with the restoration of all things to His beloved children, and continues with His newly-refreshed children ministering to others, bringing new sons and daughters out of the world and into His sheepfold.
2. The Hebrew year 5783 will be the culmination of seasons of fasting and prayer in which God's people have engaged throughout the calendar year 2022. (Photo via Unsplash)
Many times we fast and pray for specific things, even during long seasons, but it takes time for the Lord to manifest those things to us. There is a reason why the people of God have felt compelled to fast and pray throughout much (if not all) of the calendar year 2022.
This has been an extraordinary season of contending, but the Lord's purpose has been to prepare us for the extraordinary outpouring mentioned in Joel 2.
3. In this Hebrew year, things which were impossible in the natural shall manifest supernaturally.
The transition of "seemingly impossible" to "suddenly possible" will be a hallmark of the year.
Luke 1:37 and Luke 1:45 are key verses for this Hebrew year:
"For with God nothing will be impossible." (Luke 1:37 NKJV)
"Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord." (Luke 1:45 NKJV)
Watch and listen for the simplest strategies as Holy Spirit whispers them in your ear. His still, small voice will open a way for you to do things this year that previously would have taken you five to ten years to accomplish in your flesh.
4. You will see the fury of God move on your behalf.
The word of the Lord to you for the Hebrew year 5783 is Isaiah 63:4-5 (NKJV), which says:
"For the day of vengeance is in My heart, and the year of My redeemed has come. I looked, but there was no one to help, and I wondered that there was no one to uphold; therefore My own arm brought salvation for Me; and My own fury, it sustained Me."
The Lord sees that there has been no one to help you. He sees your contending prayers, and your fasting has risen before Him like a sweet offering in His nostrils. These things have not been in vain.
5. Suddenly you will see it; suddenly the vengeance of God will spring forth on your behalf.
I heard the Spirit say "whiplash" to illustrate this. When He comes with His fury on your behalf, you will look at the results of what He has done, then look back upon what was; it will happen so fast that you will be in awe, with proverbial "whiplash," at what His mighty arm has accomplished on your behalf. (Photo via Unsplash)
6. It will be a year of humbling ourselves to seek God with continued fervor.
The lower we go to humble ourselves before Him, the higher He can lift us up. Pursue humility. Humble yourself this year and pray to become more humble than you ever have been before. You will be glad you did.
7. This is a time to guard against presumption.
The enemy has been attacking people with the temptation to fall into presumption. This is an old trick. He even tried to trick Jesus into presumption, but Jesus (literally) didn't fall for it.
Remember that the test of pure faith is always the demonstration of wisdom based on God's Word. Faith is not faith if it does not demonstrate wisdom.
Presumption, on the other hand, lacks wisdom. In the Hebrew year 5783, the Lord will continue to purify His people in this area specifically. Therefore, seek wisdom and pursue it; remember that "wisdom is the principal thing" (Proverbs 4:7).
Do these seven prophetic words for the Hebrew year 5783 confirm what the Lord has already been speaking to your heart for this season? Do you take these words for yourself? If so, stop and confess your faith to the Lord right now!
Jamie Rohrbaugh
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