Have you been concerned about your health and about your very life? Is the Lord forcing you to make some drastic and perhaps even painful changes in your life?
If so, the Father says to you today:
“I am saving your life, My beloved.
For so long, you have been doing the things which seemed urgent, but which were not good for your health. You have been caught in a vortex of urgency, instead of seeking peace and pursuing it.
My lovely child, you have to understand that your longevity is more important than many of the things the world tells you are important. Even the Christian world can sometimes get its priorities out of order; it happens to one and all alike.
I am stepping in and rescuing you from yourself.
The changes I am forcing you to make will bring you peace and wellbeing. You will dwell in safety for your mind for the first time in a long time. You will draw nearer to Me than ever before, and your life will have safety and rest.
I desire to restore music and song and lyric to your life.
Not only have you lost your song, but you have also forgotten that place you have in My Kingdom which inspires others to sing. I desire to restore the years the locusts have eaten.
Find your song again, My beloved one. Find your dance as well.
I am good, and you know it. But, these few years, life has not been kind to you. I need you to rest in Me and abide in Me, and in My love, remembering all I have taught you about living in the instant and seeking peace. Seek the fruit of the Spirit; notice where I am moving based on the fruit of My Spirit.
I love you so much, beloved.
My Son took your pain away on the cross, and it is My desire that you learn to receive the joy of Jesus even in your hardest times. Suffering happens, but even in suffering there is joy. I know you do not see it yet, but if only you could see things the way I see them, you would know.
Eventually, you will see all things the way I do. But until then, know that I have never left you. I have never endorsed sin, and I am still just as in love with you as I always have been. Nothing could ever change that, for loving you is WHO I am.
I am taking care of you, My love. I am with you always, even to the end of the world. Take heart and take cheer. I am rescuing you from the pit and I am personally saving your life. The enemy begged for you, but he cannot have you. You are mine, and I am on your side.
Your tender Heavenly Father.”
Beloved, was this word for you today? Have you been feeling like you’re on the brink of death? If so, know the Lord is personally sparing your life. Please leave a comment below if this word spoke to you!
Jamie Rohrbaugh