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'Get On Board With Heavens Agenda' Elaine Tavolacci

The Holy Spirit has been showing me that believers are about to get on board with heaven’s agenda. The Lord is about to lift us up where we belong. He is preparing us, teaching us, equipping us and empowering us in the wilderness season. The body of Christ has been as a sleeping giant that’s been lulled to sleep, but they are about to be awakened. Jesus is about to deliver those who are fatigued and battle weary. Many of you will no longer allow personal situations to immobilize you from pursuing the call of God on your life.

The Lord has gifts, callings and ministries assigned to every believer, and without a doubt they will understand what they’ve been called to do. They will flow with ease as they release the word of the Lord. They will teach and preach as they are led by the Holy Spirit. He is calling us to live up to our spiritual potential. To those who have been desensitized to the Holy Spirits voice, the Lord says; “You will hear a voice behind you saying: This is the way, walk in it whenever you turn to the right hand or the left.”

Every opposition that you face is an opportunity to go to a higher place. Every challenge that you overcome is to bring you to another level. It is the burdensome seasons that giant slayers are being trained to kill the lions and the bears before slaying Goliath. There are Elisha’s who are in training to release the prophetic word of the Lord to the nations. They not only pick up the mantle of Elijah, but they receive a double portion anointing.

Your relationship with Jesus will be strengthened as you rekindle the zeal in your heart for Him. When you gather in one accord with other believers, He will open up the floodgates and you will be immersed in His tangible presence. In this place you will put on a garment of praise and cultivate a spiritual atmosphere that will transform your lives. When you worship in the midnight hour, prison doors will be opened and chains will be loosed.

There are those who feel as if the glory had departed from them. The Lord says; I am the living water. I am bringing streams in the desert to those who are spiritually dry. I will fill those who have been barren and depleted. The refreshing that you longed for will come as rivers of living water and flood you once again. Radical believers are being raised up who recognize the sound of revival rather than listening to the prophets of doom. Both young and old will usher in this great outpouring as we get on board with heavens agenda.

Isaiah 30:21

Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” Whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left.

Isaiah 32:8

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.

Isaiah 35:6-7

For waters shall burst forth in the wilderness, and streams in the desert. The parched ground shall become a pool, and the thirsty land springs of water.

Elaine Tavolacci


The Summit To Shift us all, UP to the Mandate of GOD!

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