As we have entered 2025 I have felt the Lord thundering John 15. It has felt like the call to abide in Him is being thundered louder than ever.
As I leaned in and listened to the Lord's heart and His voice, I heard:
'My people, ABIDE IN 2025. I am calling you deeper into the revelation and outworking of what it looks like to live in the vine. For I say unto you, that many are attempting to find nourishment in places outside of Me and I say unto you, I am the true vine and you are the branches (John 15:5) and I am drawing you, My people, into a time of greater fruitfulness than you have known. But I say unto you, it is the one who remains in me and I in Him that will produce much fruit, because you can do nothing without me (v5). I am calling you to remain, My people. I am calling you to abide, My people. Deeper and deeper into friendship and communion with Me. I say unto you that where communion with Me and deep oneness with Me has been traded, I am bringing you back to the truth that I am the source of life and I am the One who sustains you, nourishes you, strengthens you and empowers you.
'I say unto you, “some things are running dry, some things are running dry.” For where you have been attempting to drink and be nourished and sustained outside of Me, watch how these things will run dry. Watch how I am bringing a shaking and awakening to the revelation that I am the Giver of life. I am the sustainer and I am shaking things that have been held onto for sustenance apart from Me.
'My people, I am bringing a supernatural strength to you in this year that you have not known before as you abide. For I say unto you, as the storms rage, as the ferocity of the winds and the waves increase, oh the supernatural peace that you shall know and find in Me that is deeper than you have known. “Peace I leave with you. My people I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Don't let your hearts be troubled or fearful” (John 14:27) as you continue to abide and remain in Me.'
'For in this year, My people, I am fortifying oneness with Me and in Me. I am fortifying strength in communion and friendship with Me on a deeper level. I am shaking away all other things that have been distractions. The distractions are running dry and I am bringing you, My people, deeper into the depths of carrying My heart, seeing as I see and hearing what I am speaking. This year, you will need to hear, see and perceive on a level that you have not walked in before. As you abide in Me, as you hear the call to remain in Me, watch as your discernment shall increase in this hour. Watch how you shall come deeper into wisdom and understanding as you abide in Me.
'My people, you do not graduate from intimacy with Me. You do not graduate from the deep place of abiding and remaining in Me. I am calling you My people to sow into the place of abiding and remaining with Me in deeper ways in 2025. Watch how you will come alive in 2025 as you embrace the call to ABIDE. I say unto you that it is not a place of striving to achieve, but there is a striving to enter into My rest (Hebrews 4:11) this year, in greater ways. The striving to enter into the rest of all that I HAVE accomplished. Oh, the fortification of faith that shall take place in My finished work as you abide in Me in 2025. The flourishing and fortification of faith that I am developing within My people that will abide in 2025 is deeper than they have known.
'There is a temptation in this hour of building to trade abiding for building, and I say unto you, first and foremost build in the secret place with Me by MINISTERING UNTO ME. I am looking for those who are building in the secret place in ministering unto Me, and from that place you will build with Me. For I say unto you, that there will be fruitful building in this hour, with unprecedented, explosive fruit that you have not seen before; but it will come from the deep place of abiding in Me. There is a place of supernatural empowerment and accomplishment of that which I call you to put your hands to in 2025 that will be birthed from the place of deep surrender to Me and the revelation that apart from Me, you can do nothing.
'The cry of John 15:5 is going to resound louder in the earth in 2025. “The one who remains in me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without Me.” I am bringing you, My people, to a deeper place of beautiful brokenness in the revelation of your dependence upon Me. Watch as My Spirit moves deeply and captures your heart afresh that apart from Me, you can do nothing. This move of My Spirit will lead not to condemnation, as that is not the work of My hand and condemnation is not from Me. This work of My Spirit to bring forth the greater revelation that apart from Me, you can do nothing, will explode within you: a deeper depth of dependence, a greater realm of possibility and expectancy of faith of what we will do together, and an empowerment and demonstration of My Spirit's power that is unprecedented. Oh the joy that shall explode within you as you see what is possible in Me from a deeper place of dependence and the revelation of who I AM.
'I say unto you, that in this hour it will be very clear to see those that abide and remain and those who are building in their own strength. I am calling you, My people, to bring your works before Me. I am calling you to bring that which you place your hands to before Me and allow Me to speak into that to which you are building and putting your hands to. For I have some rearranging to do. For I am revealing and dealing with things that have been built on foundations not of Me. In this hour I am making room for My Glory. There will be an exaltation of MY NAME and My Glory, not the exaltation of man's works, man's pride and man's ways. My Glory will not rest upon the works and building of man and man's empires and strength: these things are being shaken and will continue to be greatly shaken, for My terrifying Glory is coming, My Majesty will be revealed, the awe and wonder of who I am and the fear of God will be restored to My Bride.
'I say unto you, that I am pruning the branches that have been bearing fruit (John 15:2) and some of you have misinterpreted the pruning as you have done something wrong. I say unto you, the pruning is going to increase, but you have done nothing wrong. I am pruning the branches that have been bearing fruit, SO THAT IT WILL PRODUCE MORE FRUIT (John 15:2). I say unto you, that you are going to see an acceleration of fruitfulness in your hearts and to that which you place your hands to, that is coming from the deep place of abiding and remaining.
'My Bride, I am calling you deeper to Abide in 2025. My people, watch as I increase the revelation of John 15:15, “I do not call you servants anymore, because a servant doesn't know what his master is doing. I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything I have heard from My Father.” I am breaking FAMILIARITY WITH FRIENDSHIP WITH ME!'
When the Lord spoke those words, the fear of the Lord surrounded me strongly. He is breaking familiarity with friendship with Him. A greater shaking is coming to shake off the familiarity and the absence of the fear of the Lord around friendship with God.
I then heard the Lord say:
'Abide IN ME and WITH ME, My people. I have deep secrets and wisdom that you know not of, to share with you in these coming days. I, the Lord, am calling you deeper into the place of hearing My heart, hearing My secrets and knowing My wisdom, but you must abide and remain. Those who fear Me will receive great wisdom in the days ahead (Prov 9:10) and perceive what I am doing in the earth and what My Spirit is saying to the Churches.
'I say unto you, My people, the days are urgent for you to see and perceive what My Spirit is saying. Do not be found familiar. Be found abiding in reverence of who I am. My eyes are roaming the earth looking for those who will abide. ABIDE IN ME! ABIDE IN ME IN 2025.'
Lana Vawser
Live Broadcast