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'The Epic Transformation Is On ' Che Ahn

Writer's picture: Global Prophetic VoiceGlobal Prophetic Voice

In 2020, a highly contagious virus broke out and blindsided the world overnight. But in 2023, revival is breaking out and spreading like wildfire. This new move of God is also highly contagious and transferable. Are you ready to be a superspreader of revival? The Asbury Revival On February 8, the Asbury Revival—reported by diverse media outlets—began as students at Asbury University lingered to worship and pray after a typical evening chapel service on campus. Little did they know, their humble prayer meeting would run nonstop for the next two weeks, drawing more than 50,000 people to Wilmore, Kentucky, a rural town of only 6,000. The week after the reports of Asbury went viral, I took one of my spiritual sons (a Millennial) with me on a red-eye flight to experience the revival firsthand. Despite the freezing cold conditions, we stood in line for over three hours before entering Hughes Auditorium, where thousands of worshipers were assembled from many other states and nations. To summarize my time there, Asbury took me deeper in my personal revival. At the core of this move of God is a pure focus on Jesus. I came away with a greater hunger and a deeper love for Him. The move at Asbury was genuine and unassuming; there were no famous preachers, worship artists, or even any visible leadership during the meetings. It was primarily young people—Gen Z—praying, worshiping, giving testimonies, and seeking after the presence of God. (Photo via Pexels) "This is what I will do in the last days—I will pour out My Spirit on everybody and cause your sons and daughters to prophesy, and your young men will see visions, and your old men will experience dreams from God." (Acts 2:17 TPT) Revival Is Spreading What I love about this revival is that it is spreading. Students from over 260 schools visited the epicenter (Asbury) and have brought back an impartation to their cities. Revival gatherings have broken out all across America, Canada, and multiple other nations. God is breathing on these meetings, and I believe nothing will stop this move of the Spirit. As a result, our church in Southern California, Harvest Rock Church, hosted 40 days of prayer and worship, partnering with local leaders and ministries who share our heart for revival. Following Harvest International Ministry's annual Global Summit in April, we have launched weekly "Glory Nights," where we are hosting the presence of the Holy Spirit, going after miracles, and stewarding the continuing move of God in our midst. Harvest Is Always with the Young As forward-looking leaders, we must recognize that the harvest is always with the young. The enemy has really targeted the younger generation with higher rates of suicide, depression, addiction, and brokenness resulting from divorce and fatherless homes. In a generation that is so prone to anxiety and fear, God is imparting perfect peace, healing, and deliverance from mental health challenges. Let us be intentional to support, disciple, and pour into Generation Z and the Millennials who are stewarding this revival, because, ultimately, the future lies with them. The River of Revival Today I believe we are only ankle deep in the river of revival. In Ezekiel chapter 47, we see a prophetic picture of the river of God that is applicable to us in this season: "Then the shining man brought me back to the entrance of the temple, and I saw water flowing from underneath the temple threshold... The man holding his measuring line walked east and measured off a thousand cubits. Then he made me wade across the shallow water, and it was ankle deep. He measured off another thousand cubits and told me to wade across the stream again; the water was up to my knees. He measured off another thousand cubits and made me wade across the stream again, and the water was up to my waist. He measured off another thousand; it was now a river over my head, which I was unable to swim across. It was a deep swollen river—a river no one could cross." (Ezekiel 47:1-5 TPT, emphasis added) (Photo via Unsplash) As the New Testament reveals, you and I, as Believers, are now the temple of God, and the river of the Holy Spirit is now flowing from us. We are the carriers of revival! "Then on the most important day of the feast, the last day, Jesus stood and shouted out to the crowds—'All you thirsty ones, come to Me! Come to Me and drink! Believe in Me so that rivers of living water will burst out from within you, flowing from your innermost being, just like the Scripture says!' Jesus was prophesying about the Holy Spirit that Believers were being prepared to receive..." (John 7:37-39 TPT) As we witness God pouring out His Spirit in a fresh way, it is time to press in and ask for more (Zechariah 10:1). We need to gather as God's consecrated ones to receive a fresh impartation, and then transfer it to our homes, workplaces, and cities. God wants us to transform the world—one soul at a time. I am convinced, with everything in me, that this is our epic season of transformation!


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