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'Moving Forward In This Time' Keith Miller

For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man. —Ephesians 3:14–16


By the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Paul is very specific about why he is praying. This a specific prayer, and it is to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, so we know it applies to our lives. This eternal prayer carries the power to impart and activate in whatever era of time it is read and applied.

Here, Paul prays for every believer in the Lord Jesus that a specific gift would be released and understood. This gift from the Father is the strengthening of His might by His Spirit in the inner person. And it is measured according to the riches of His glory. When a gift is given, it can only be as good as that which is backing it. I could provide you with access to my checking account so you can draw out everything you need precisely when needed. But when my account balance runs out, so does the gift. The gift is only as good as what is backing it.

Here, Paul says that we can be strengthened by might according to the riches of His glory. In other words, this gift will not run out but will, in fact, increase. What an incredible gift!

It would be like going to the ocean and getting a big bucket of ocean water. Yes, you would have the ocean; yes, the bucket would be full; but what is a bucket compared to the entire ocean? The whole ocean is waiting. In the same way, we can live in perpetual and increasing strength in our inner person according to the riches of His glory.

It is a time when we should have great expectations for advancement in many ways. As we move forward in this current time, we will take new ground. We must stay fresh in the anointing, which will keep us fresh in inner strength, which will keep us strong in the Lord and His mighty power.

As we stay fresh in the strength of the Lord by the might of the Holy Spirit, we will maintain high levels of faith, joy, and confidence. This is vital for us as we begin taking new ground.

We must stay strong in faith in this current season because as we advance to new levels of destiny, we will face obstacles. But as the might of the Holy Spirit strengthens us, we will rise up against all challenges, limitations, and fears.

The Lord strengthens us and enables us to rise up against unbelievable odds. The fresh oil or dunmanis of the Lord will also empower us to have greater faith and to see the impossible become possible!    

We declare this over you: You will succeed and have significant advancement and progress in your divine destiny in the days ahead!


In the words of Paul:

Now to Him who is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us.— Ephesians 3:20 AMP 

We pray and decree the following faith declarations over you:

·        This strength will empower you to walk out divine destiny.

·        This strength will empower you to believe the impossible is possible

·        This strength will empower you to become who God created you to be and do what He created you to do.

·        This strength will empower you to walk through the open door of your now and let the past be gone.

·        This strength will empower you to say no to every resistance of the enemy against you and your family.

·        This strength will empower you to stay the course and persevere in the perfect plan and purpose of the Father for forward movement in destiny.

·        This strength will empower you to release courage to others in this current time. Encouraging others to see advancement in their purpose.

·        This strength will empower you to be fresh in your spirit and fresh in your walk with the Lord.

·        This strength will empower you to receive fresh inspiration, joy, and confidence from the Lord.

·        This strength will empower you to run and not grow weary.

Abundant Glory Blessings,

Keith & Janet

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