One of the wars in the year ahead is over digging new wells. Therefore, our focus for prophetic empowerment is preparing to dig! In the Word of God, a well can refer to a spring, a fountain (a living fountain fed by a spring) and also a pit or prison. There is great power in coming together, particularly when we celebrate Firstfruits and honor the Lord with the first of our time and increase! When we choose to gather and seek Him first at the beginning of each month, we receive the Lord's anointing on our "whole lump." The month of Cheshvan is reserved for the anointing, so this is a "key time" to assemble and receive the prophetic revelation that will enable us to move from blessing to blessing, until blessings overtake us.
A "Key" Word This is a time of great movement! A prophetic portal formed during worship on Sunday, and a fresh stream of revelation broke forth. As we press beyond our Tabernacles season, declare that you are advancing with a new turning, a new exchanging, a new wind, a new movement and a new giving! Prophetic Word received on Sunday, October 16, 2022: God says: "I am going to turn you like I turn a key! I'm going to turn you just like I turn a key and cause your eyes and ears to open up. "Keep your eyes open when you turn. As you keep your eyes open, I'm going to cause that shift in your whole body to cause a shift to be turned around, so that you can be like the key that turns the lock that opens the doors. "I am exchanging keys! Satan has used a key of death against you, but I am the God of death, Hell and the grave. "I am giving you a key to exchange for the death structure that is working against you. This key may appear as an old jail-like key chain, but it will sparkle and drip with gold. Old places of captivity in your life and bloodline are being unlocked by My glory. (Photo via Pxhere) My Second Wind Is Blowing in This hour "You've been distanced, but come to Me. Come visit Me at My well, and I will show you how to look through My eyes at each other. As you love Me, you will love each other, and that is an army invincible. "For the enemy has even come to wear out the saints, but I am the God who is about to blow a second wind. Even as it is with an athlete – when that athlete senses that he can no longer finish that race, I come with a second wind to bring strength and to bring energy so that athlete can meet the goal that is set in front of him. "I'm coming with a second wind of My Spirit, and I'm about to blow on you in a new way. Let the weak say, 'I am strong,' for the strength of the Lord will cause you to finish the race that is set before you. My second wind is blowing upon you now in this hour. A Dance of Joy Will Hide Your Tracks from the Enemy "I'm changing your footprint on the earth. When you are not in joy, you walk and you trudge in a straight line, and you cause furrows in the earth. These lines are very easy for the enemy to follow. But when that turns to joy and you begin dancing, you create footprints all over the earth in circles, up and down and back and forth. The enemy is not able to see which way you are going and which way you are moving when you move in joy and dance. The Portals Will Open! "The shift has begun and the wind has begun to blow. I have My Judah – the company of Judah – at the line across this nation, and the portals will be open, and My glory will be seen upon My people like never before. Decree That Your Well Will Fill Up! "I so loved the world that I gave... There's a new giving that's coming up and out of My people, and it's the generosity of the sound of love that I'm getting ready to penetrate this world with like never before. "Open up the gate of your heart and let the wellspring of love flow through. As you choose to give in this season, decree that your well will fill up and you will drink from it all year long. "I have created a new 'opening up' of resources and supply lines for My people in the natural, and in the spiritual. Continue to praise Me and I will open them up supernaturally in more and more ways." (Word of the Lord spoken by Brian Kooiman, Norma Urrabazo, Chuck Pierce, Jamie Spears, Mark Waldrep, Barbara Wentroble, Lisa Lyons, Pasqual Urrabazo, Susan Shaulis and Eleanor Roehl) This is a time where we must ascend to new heights in worship. Let's continue ascending through this prophetic portal and reflect the blueprint of Heaven in the earth. Chuck D. Pierce and Team Glory of Zion International Ministries Contact: chuckp@glory-of-zion.org gloryofzion.org
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