Introducing Deborah Alexander Professional Violinist The Sound of Heaven For SURE!

Rooms at Quality Inn And Suites
Address: 1600 E Main St, St. Charles, IL 60174
Contact Manager
The Encounter Returns / The Realm Of The Kingdom This Encounter will be Limited Registration so reg EARLY.
What to Expect:
Glory Impartation
Heavenly Awareness
Personal Ministry
Understanding Dreams and Visions
Ignited Evangelism
And So Much More
Apostle Stephen Strader The Soul Winner & Revivalist In December of 2005, Stephen became the senior pastor and renamed the church, Ignited Church, purchased, remodeled, and moved the congregation to this facility. Stephen began his education at Trinity College and completed his B.A. degree at Southeastern University in Lakeland. He did graduate studies in Theology and Leadership at ORU, in Tulsa, OK. In 2012, Stephen was awarded an Honorary Doctorate degree in Signs and Wonders, from the International Miracle Institute, Pensacola, FL
In 2008, Stephen hosted a five-day conference on signs and wonders at Ignited Church, with evangelist Todd Bentley. The meetings extended to 188 days. Crowds swelled to over 10,000 each day. They moved to six different locations to accommodate the crowds. It is estimated that over 350,000 different people from over 200 countries attended the meetings, and over 40 million viewers watched on the Internet and satellite around the world. Stephen authored the book, THE LAKELAND OUTPOURING, to tell the whole story.
Stephen also travels throughout the United States and internationally, igniting, fanning, and reviving revival fires. Signs, wonders, and unusual manifestations of the Holy Spirit confirm the Word preached. His mission: spread this revival fire everywhere. Stephen and Janice reside in Lakeland FL where they have pastored for over 40 years.
Dr Barbie Breathitt The Dream Decoder!
Barbie Breathitt teaches individuals, teams, and churches how to recognize, respond to and release the activity of God with unique strategies.
Dream Interpretation
Breath of the Spirit is a teaching and equipping ministry. We are set apart to more firmly establish the ability to understand conundrums and mysteries hidden within your dreams.
To this extent, we hope you contact Breath of the Spirit to find out how you can begin or more fully develop your gift of dream interpretation. To those of you who have difficult dreams and can’t find adequate interpretation, we offer as an alternative. Encounters
A selection of courses are available that provide inspired teaching and engaged participation to empower individuals in daily life and ministry.
Revelatory Encounters Healing Encounters Dream Encounters Angelic Encounters Kingdom Encounters
Dr. Theresa Phillips The Kings Ambassador
is Prophetic and Called An Ambassador Of The King By Jesus Himself.
She Pastors a Church in Saint Charles for 34 Years. For two years she encountered Heavenly Visitation nearly daily. She still has them. She has written over 20 Books and is a mentor to many. She has Ordained into the Ministry of over 300 People Worldwide. Her Miraculous healing from being told she had two weeks to live Brought her to Marry the Kingdom.
Later she died and was raised from the Dead... She is an entrepreneur
Feb 2013 She had a visit from King Himself who called her His ambassador. She believes that the KINGDOM must be elevated to a Kingly Priestly status to achieve the Goals of God.