Latter Rain Revival There is a promise that the Father, who is in charge of all times and seasons, is going to release in our day over the Body of Christ. In Haggai 2:9 the Word says, "'The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,' says the Lord Almighty. 'And in this place I will grant peace,' declares the Lord Almighty." He is preparing us, His Church, for what will be called an unprecedented season of miracles, signs, and wonders such as have yet to be seen. A new level of leaders will also be released. They will know and demonstrate how to minister to God during these times. For from praise and worship of the Father, the Holy Spirit will show the blueprint for the future times ahead. Holy Spirit will pour out both His kindness and His glory upon Believers as unlimited access into God's presence is given. We will see many things – both good and evil. But we, the Body of Christ, will maintain a position of absolute intimacy and closeness to the Father, just like Jesus did when He was on Earth. He said, "I only do what I see the Father doing, and I only say what I hear the Father saying" (John 5:19, paraphrased). The Church will move in a great measure of prosperity, even during perilous times. Surprise, Surprise, Surprise! Many absolutely amazing things will come to pass before our eyes, things we could only dream about. Predictions from the statesmen of the world will fall to the ground and fade away, but the prophetic words declared by the prophets of the Lord will soar like the eagle. Many prophetic words you have been waiting on will come to fulfillment, so continue to decree and declare them.
Our God Is Coming to a Town Near You I am seeing a unity among Believers as they gather together to minister to God. He delights in the ministry of His people and their unity and one accord. His fatherly, tangible presence will be felt. His glory will be seen. Things will change. Principalities and powers will tremble with fear as transformation comes to the land. Places where there has been trafficking of children will begin to decline, as many main traffickers will be exposed. Names will be named. The darkness will tremble. Fentanyl addiction, which has taken the lives of so many people (young and old), will decline because the Church of Jesus Christ has taken by faith their righteousness, which comes through Christ to us. Even the weather will be quieted. The heartfelt words of the people of God will make a difference. Oh, yes, darkness will indeed tremble, because the light has come. The office of the pastor will change. Pastors will not only be concerned for pastoring those who are in their flock, but their hearts will be enlarged to pastor their cities across the United States. North Carolina, North Carolina, I Am Calling You The last thing I heard was the Lord calling out the state of North Carolina. He said, "I am calling you to speak the prophetic words, once again, from Prayer Mountain in Moravian Falls. Gather the prophets, prophetic intercessors, and seers. Pick up the mantles from those who went before you, and complete what was started. Many angels who haven't been seen in some time will also gather there to act on behalf of what is decreed." Mary Dorian Contact Asstpas@aol.com Article From The Elijah List ________________
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