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Fear Not! I Am Holding You!' Angie Stolba

“Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.” Isaiah 41:10 NLT

Perilous Times

Today, we are living in a time of unusual and unprecedented events taking place on a global, national, and personal scale. We look with awe and a quiet shaking of our heads asking the silent question of our heart, “how can this really be?” Yet, it is times like these that can test the hearts of men and women alike. We feel the shaking. We look for solid ground.

The grip of fear desires to sink its claws deep into our hearts and minds. The battle is intense and the struggle is real. “God, where are you….”

I hear the Lord saying, ” Fear not! I am holding you! The spirit of fear and anxiety is trying to find a landing point in many right now. Fear not! You are being held! I am holding you and I will continue to hold you with my victorious right hand (Isaiah 41:10).”

“My child, keep your eyes on Me amidst the shaking that is taking place. Do not be moved or throw away your confidence. Refuse to doubt My goodness, My character, or the promises in My Word regardless of what you are seeing in the natural realm. I am the absolute truth and My Word is the absolute truth! Do not entertain doubt or lies from the enemy. I am calling you to have doves eyes. I am calling you to fix your eyes solely on Me. Distractions are being heightened in this hour. It is imperative that you keep your focus on Me! Much shaking and exposure is happening within the church and in the world at this time. Don’t be lured into gossip or have a critical spirit. Again, keep your eyes on Me! I am good! I am good all the time! I am good amidst difficult and heart wrenching circumstances! Know that your story is far from over! Stay the course!”

“Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5). I have seen your tears and they are precious to Me! I am hearing your prayers and I am the God who answers! I do not always answer on your time frame or in the way you think I should. Remember, My ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts are higher than your thoughts (Isaiah 55:9).

“The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles.” Psalm 34:17 NIV

“I am your ever present help in times of trouble and distress. I will never leave you or forsake you. I will never relax My hold on you! You are in My grip! If you currently feel as though you are breaking, something great is in the making! It is in the greatest time of crushing and pressure that the oil of my anointing is released! Will you be My vessels of anointing in this hour? Refuse to go back to what was once comfortable and familiar. Rather, dive into the unknown with Me!”

Canoe In The Water

I recently had a dream in which I was floating in a canoe with my husband in a large body of water. The water was clear, calm, and serene. It was safe in the canoe as long as I remained stationary, however, the water beckoned me! It looked so inviting even though I did not really know what lay beneath the surface of the water or how deep it was. I just remember feeling somewhat scared to leave the safety of the canoe, yet consumed with the overwhelming desire to leap out. Moments passed before I made my final decision. Reluctantly and with great anticipation, I leaned backwards and flipped myself into the water! The leap of faith was exhilarating! Without any thought, I immediately pulled my husband into the water with me! I somewhat expected him to be upset with me for my precarious stunt but he was just as elated as I was! We were both immersed in the water together!

Later, as I was discussing this dream with my husband, he pointed out the prophetic message to me. The canoe represented my safety and security. It was safe as long as I was calm and steady and didn’t move around much. That is the nature of canoes… light and portable yet unstable in rough or unbalanced conditions. The water represented the Holy Spirit. There was life in the water! That was why I was so drawn to get in! Leaning backwards to fall in the water represented me taking a step of faith to go deeper into the Holy Spirit. Once I did, I was immersed with the presence of God. Pulling my husband into the water with me represented that we both wanted this but I was the one who took the plunge first.

I sense the Lord encouraging His Bride, “Throw off fear, doubt, and anxiety! Be willing to step out of your comfort zone and take the risk for Me! Dive deep into the water with Me! There are many more amazing chapters just ahead! Just be willing to get out of your canoe and immerse yourself fully in Me! Your season of grieving and mourning is coming to an end and you will step into a new season of adventure and joy as you follow my lead. Rejoice and fear not! I am holding you! Your best days are just ahead!”

Angie Stolba


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