Truly, we are in a season when things are being accelerated. Our destiny is calling to us to no longer procrastinate, but to come forth for such a time as this.
I don’t quite know how to explain it, but there is something about my new book DESTINY IS CALLING that I am writing. I have never been so driven about something in my life.
Day, after day, night after night, I am brought back to it. I think I am done, and God gives me something more. I’m sure the people that I have been having look at it are tired of seeing another revision after revision.
As I wrote the word revision, it hit me what it means. He gives us vision, and then He gives us RE-vision. In other words, He gives us a vision, and then He gives us more in-depth vision about the vision, as we go along. That’s why the continuous changes.  Wow! Thank you Lord. He never stops giving us vision.
I have not had many meetings. Because that is how I earn my living, it has been a difficult time, but God sustains me day by day. Literally. 
 I feel that many women will be released into their purpose, call, and destiny through this book. It’s called DESTINY IS CALLING and it is meant to be a mentor and a handbook or guide for women of any age who feel called to ministry and to help them discover and walk in their purpose, call, and destiny - whether in a church setting, Marketplace, at home, or to be in their own ministry.  Hopefully it will help catapult those who do not have a mentor by their side.
Please keep me in prayer for anointing and the ability to hear and listen to the Lord as He guides me in working on it. Also for finances and the right meetings to survive through this time period.
This has also been a season of some extreme warfare. I will not bother to give the enemy credit for anything by even posting what’s gone on in regards to that. I will just simply say please continue to pray for me and my for baby Buddy and my entire family. Some good news is that James Goll contacted me and asked if he could do the forward to my book. What a blessing! Please pray for the right people to do endorsements as well. if you would like to schedule a meeting, contact me as soon as possible. Or if you would like to send a love gift of support, the information is below. It would be greatly appreciated. Since we are at the end of one month and coming into the first of another month, everything is due. Thank you and God bless you. Love and prayers, JoniAmes
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