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'Come Out From Under The Yoke!' Nate Johnston

Writer's picture: Global Prophetic VoiceGlobal Prophetic Voice

For months now God has began speaking to me about the deliverance taking place for many right now who have been under wrong yokes. I shared previously about the season we are in of God throwing new mantles upon us, but I have sensed the need to share the need to remove the the counterfeit mantles and yokes that have been on us.

What are yokes? Yokes are strongholds of the enemy sent to weigh us down and make us come under the submission of the enemy or another person other than Jesus.

Jesus said “For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:30

Yokes are burdens we have allowed that don’t come from Jesus. What I felt though when hearing this was God referring specifically to the ties, spiritual contracts, vows, and alignments to people we have created or allowed.

We don’t always recognize heavy yokes until they become massive areas of compromise or giants in our lives.

In the same way when relationships become unequally weighted they can cause a path diversion that is not obvious at first but in the long run can derail you and even whole family’s legacies.

Unequally yoked relationships take you away from the pure call of God on your life by serving the purpose of the other over obedience to the Lord.

Through fear of man, insecurities, and longing to keep acceptance we easily begin to slowly adjust our vision to accommodate those who have a vested interest.

Then over time we wonder why we are facing endless warfare, confusion, and constant roadblocks to destiny doors.

What happened? Control and witchcraft entered into the equation and something that may have started pure has become distorted.

A yoke that was once of equal weight becomes a yoke of oppression and the source of demonic torment.

The thing that at one time championed you to move forward is now your greatest opponent, but can feel like the hardest thing to deal with and shake.

Right now we are in a season of spiritual spring cleaning and God is in protective mode over your life.

He is leading you into yoke breaking moments where He he confronting what has been out of balance in your life.

He is addressing the places that used to be in harmony that are no longer in synergy.

He is dealing with the swirl that has been distracting you from what he wants you to build.

He is removing the claim that people have made over your life and destiny that are a violation and outside of Gods authorization.

He is tearing up the contracts and unspoken manipulation that would have you sell your birthright for moldy bread.

He is addressing familiarity and the familiar spirits that come with it.

He is reshaping your people and tribe and realigning you with equally yoked covenant relationships so that you can’t be tripped up going forward.


Look at the life of Elisha. As soon as Elijah threw his mantle upon him, he went and slayed his oxen and burnt his plow and plow tools. The yokes were burnt up!

New mantle seasons always feel intense because we are confronted with a burning the plow decision and often we want the new without having to burn the path behind us.

It’s having to remove all backups plans and violently shake off the tattered rags of a bygone era, assignment, and role.

It’s having to be obedient to the Lord to burn your old plow when He asks you to and adjust your life to accommodate the new thing.

It means stepping into the unknown with no option of ever going back which is daunting and very uncomfortable.

It’s having to recognize the people and places that are no longer conducive to your calling and move on.


As I’m writing this out I keep seeing a vision of a modem/internet router and hearing “Test the connection” like you would read in a troubleshooting manual.

What if God was wanting us to stocktake every spiritual and relational connection right now to make sure it’s working, sustainable, and transmitting signal?

What does this mean? Do your current relationships have disconnect? Do you have lines that aren’t transmitting life and connection back and forth?

Any line that isn’t is potentially stealing from the power source and creating unnecessary issues.

What If God was the one testing these lines right now? What if he was the one rebooting our router and revealing to us what was no longer in synergy? We need to pay attention to them.


I believe that the other significance of right alignments is that it brings ALIGNMENT - nothing out of order.

Alignment brings peace but mis-alignment breeds chaos in our lives and homes. Does this mean there is something demonic about these alignments or people? No, not always. But any unequal yoke creates a hiccup in the spirit that sends a ripple effect down the line.

I believe so many have been experiencing the spirit of chaos in their lives and homes as a fruit of not properly addressing misalignments and or/areas of needing readjustment.


Chaos comes when the elephant in room is not talked about. It is the perfect storm for the enemy to put an explosive bomb of offense where there wasn’t one before, simply because expectations and growth was not addressed.

The enemy loves to invade those spaces with hurt and assumption to end seasons and relationships badly but they don’t need to be that way!

Have honest conversations. Operate in honor. Define the new terms and talk about areas of unmet expectations, taking responsibility for your own part in it.

We don't need to let the enemy have ground or make a battle out of a simple case of growth and seasonal upgrades.

This is the tricky area. Not all that God closes is evil, but simply an expiration.

Yokes change as God moves people into different capacities and roles and so we have to look through that lens or we will view all relational changes with contempt.

We have to handle this well. People aren’t our enemy. We have to honor even when we feel dishonored.

What no longer works isn’t always a sign of compromise but sometimes it’s a sign of upgrade upon that persons life.

Discernment is needed. But ultimately we have to be obedient to remove the yokes when it’s time and step into new alignments.


As I have been praying into this over the last few months I have been hearing the Lord say “Yokes war against covenant!”

Yokes are not only the counterfeit “weight” to carry or mantle, but yokes are the counterfeit of true covenant.

They often look like covenant, smell like covenant, and feel like covenant but they are nothing but bondage and impure motives and control.

Yokes war against the family of God and the pure knitting of hearts needed to run together without agenda and guile.

On a global scale right now the covenant is under fire. The war on marriage, homes, children, and covenant with God is being contested by the enemy, but as we step out of yokes and into covenant we will reveal Gods heart to a world without a standard.

That’s right, God wants you to boldly step out of contracts and control and into the safety and purity of covenant.

There are areas right now in many peoples lives that have shifted into the danger of control but God is wanting us to adjust them back to covenant.

This also means personally where we have been out of relationship with Him, it’s time to make a brand new covenant and as we do we will tear up the contracts and yokes we have been under.

“It shall come to pass in that day that his burden will be taken away from your shoulder, And his yoke from your neck, And the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil” Isaiah 10:27


Lastly, I believe this Passover is a marker where there is about to be a major spiritual shift come upon the church and especially those who have been facing the endless tension of this process.

Homes have been under fire as the enemy has been working to keep families in bondage and experiencing the effects of their decisions and contracts.

The word I hear is “UNCOVERED”. Yokes will expose you and uncover you. Leave you feeling shame and nakedness. But the yoke of the Lord will cover and protect you.

When the Israelites painted their door with the blood of the lamb, the angel of death that came to deal judgement to the firstborn of the land of Egypt would PASSOVER and spare that home.

We know that Jesus became our Passover lamb and today the blood of Jesus us our safety and refuge from the enemies agenda.

This Passover God is asking us to be re-covenanted with Him, come out from demonic yokes, and plead the blood of Jesus over our lives and homes.

As we do, there will be a noticeable shift and breaking of all false covenants and contracts we have made to people and places and unknowingly with the enemy.

Right now if you feel the conviction in this do this right now before moving on;

  • Hand over and renounce all old yokes, agreements, and contracts to Jesus.

  • Tear them up by faith

  • Repent of any contracts or vows made that He didn’t ask you to make.

  • Ask Him to break all yokes by the blood of the lamb

  • Make fresh covenant with Him(individually and as a family)

  • Take communion and seal it in the blood of the lamb.

“to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel” Hebrews 12:24

Nate Johnston


As of May 1 This Oil will not be Available

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