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'As in the Days of Noah' Theresa Phillips

Writer's picture: Global Prophetic VoiceGlobal Prophetic Voice

Repost But Now:

I was in worship when the Lord spoke to me, "These are the days of Noah. Speak it forth, do not hold back," said the Lord. Wow, I was taken by surprise by this. His voice was loud and clear! "Yes Sir," was my answer.

Then He began to prophesy through me, "These are the days of Noah. As the people did not understand what Noah was doing, so will they not understand what I am asking you to do." That got my attention!

Again He said, "These are as the days of Noah. When the ark was to be built, laughter and scorn were the response. So it shall be again. Build me a resting place," said the Lord God.

"Who will build Me a refuge? Who will build for Me?" asked the Lord.

"These are like the days of Noah. I am speaking, I am seeking, I am waiting for a joint effort to BUILD My realm. Storm clouds are gathering. I am calling for a building—a reformation of the Kingdom. IT IS AT HAND. Who will build?" said the Lord. Then I began to shudder in awe... Total awe...

What Shall We Build?

Sow a Seed For The New Release of The Album Spirit By Theresa Phillips

God, make me a heart like David!

2 Samuel 7:13 He is the one who will build a house for My Name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever. "I require," says the Lord, "a house, a home, a safety chamber, a place of rest. I was continually with Noah and those who were with him," says the Lord. "In like manner, I will be with you! I am asking for a new ark of safety. I am asking for a rebuilding of My eternal Kingdom in the below. I am asking for My Church to arise to the task... Build Me a place."

Acts 7:49 "Heaven is My throne, and the earth is My footstool. What kind of house will you build for Me?" says the Lord. "Or where will My resting place be?"

I was aware of a mandate from the Lord. He is calling for a reconstruction of a tabernacle—NOT made by hands but established in the hearts of men. This tabernacle is the continued communication between God and His subjects.

"My People, Resist the Temptationto Disrupt the Plans I Have"

He began to speak more: "I am calling for this NOW! I am asking My people to resist the temptation to disrupt the plans I have. For as in the days of Noah, the people were not READY to have a relationship as Noah had with Me. They were chiding and complaining and making mockery of what was being established in the earth... A  man heard My voice, he obeyed Me, his family was spared. Creatures were placed in safety. Do you know," says the Lord, "that every animal I placed in the ark will never perish? Never perish!

"Man will NEVER perish; that which is made in My image will not die! For I am an ETERNAL God and will not die. I said I would never leave you, never forsake you. Trust Me," says the Lord! "I am on a collision course with man's agenda; I will move My Kingdom, My domain, My presence, My person, My realm, My atmosphere. I will move it as a suddenly in your midst and you will stand in awe."

"It is For You to Know the Seasons"

"'Why?' is the question I hear often in My ear. 'When?' is the next. But I say to you, 'It is for you to know the seasons. It is for you to plant and reap in them as they come upon you. That will satisfy Me,'" says the Lord. "I will move in your midst!"

Jeremiah 8:7 Even the stork in the sky knows her appointed seasons, and the dove, the swift and the thrush observe the time of their migration. But My people do not know the requirements of the LORD.

"Noah heard and acted like he was scorned, but he had My ear," said the Lord. "I am speaking to many today; this very moment, I am sending a word of exhortation. I am proclaiming to you, 'I am in the rebuilding business; I have been rebuilding the Tabernacle of David.'"

Acts 15:16 After this I will return, and will build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen down; and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it up.

"This is a house of praise. Yes, praise is building a safe place, for I will dwell among those who praise Me; they will praise Me even more," says the Lord.

Psalm 22:3 Yet you are enthroned as the Holy One; you are the praise of Israel.

"I Am Rebuilding, Re-Emerging and Re-Establishing...When My Kingdom Sees a King, it Will Change the Nation!"

"I am rebuilding ancient walls; even now researchers are finding ruins in the land of the ancient ones. I am being found, and now I will make you seek Me with more interest...

"Now I am calling for a building...a building of My Kingdom," says the Lord. "I am rebuilding a House of Praise. This noise will be heard abroad and many will come and see what is happening! I am rebuilding a House of Prayer, and many will come and be healed and taught to know My voice. I am rebuilding an army of lovers of the King, and many will then change their habits. Just to get closer! Just to enter! For whom does not want to be close to a King?" asked the Lord.

"I am re-emerging Myself as a royal Priest, and many will come and humble themselves in front of the mighty altar of hope. I am re-establishing My boundaries, yes, My commandments, in the hearts of men, and once again a revival of holiness will come forth. This will change nations," says the Lord. "When My Kingdom sees a King in the House of Bread, it will change the nation. I tell you, My throne will change the nation!

"I am making Myself 'seen' so man can be like Me to the governmental leaders of nations, networks and marketplace leaders."

"It is the Day of the New Things as inthe Days of Noah—Watch, Pray and Obey"

Matthew 24:37-38 As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark;

"Take this warning, My loved ones, for time is running short: I am on My way to make the GREAT CHANGE. Ha, you heard it, now I will do it! Seat Me as King; your reward will be great. The Kingdom is at hand. Why? For the King MUST be recognized as PRESENT! As in the days of Noah, those who were not educated of My ways did not believe I could speak and I could direct a new thing. Ha, again I say, 'It is The Day of New Things as in the days of Noah!'

" have been in these days; for I say to you NOW do not lose your hope or vision; GO and be it! I am speaking now to you leaders: Watch and pray and obey, for the building must take place!

1 Peter 5:1 To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow elder, a witness of Christ's sufferings and one who also will share in the glory to be revealed:

"Yes, share with one another, for you in My Kingdom must be a team. Ministers unite! Fellowships unite! People, receive the word of the Lord through ones you know not, for it is I who am building My Kingdom in the below. It is Me calling. It is Me directing. I am with you FOREVER!" says the Lord God Almighty.

Pray with me: Dear Jesus, I surrender all to be a subject of Your realm. I choose this day to submit myself to You and to Your word and to those of Your Kingdom. I choose this day to unite and believe You can and will be in every house of worship; I will accept them as my own family and admonish them as they do Your will. I choose this day to covenant with You and tabernacle with You to rebuild relationships and repair bridges and conform to Your image. Bless each reader, amen!

Dr Theresa Phillips


Live Broadcast on The Glory Realms Emerging

With Jan Jansen

Jan Jansen is a co-founder of Global Fire Ministries and senior leader of The Fire Church, located in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Jan's desire is to see people walk in their full destiny by intimately knowing the Person of the Holy Spirit. Jan is a true dreamer and seer. Jan's ability to understand visions and dreams has been tested and proven to be highly accurate and credible. Angels surround her ministry and are often in operation as she ministers at various conferences and meetings. Jan moves with great compassion toward those who have been tormented and afflicted by the devil. Healings and deliverances often take place as she prays over those whose bodies have been ravaged by affliction, sickness, and disease. Jan also has been highly impacted by the Spirit of adoption (Romans 8:15), as the Lord directed her to adopt three children, and she loves to minister the true meaning of adoption to others. Her heart is to live out James 1:27 and bring others to a deeper understanding of God's Father heart.

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