"Those who sow their tears as seeds will reap a harvest with joyful shouts of glee. They may weep as they go out carrying their seeds to sow, but they will return with joyful laughter and shouting with gladness as they bring back armloads of blessings and a harvest overflowing." - Psalm 126:5-6 (The Passion Translation)
The Lord brought this Scripture before me and I have been sitting on it and seeking the Lord's heart. As I sat with the Lord, I heard Him say:
"There have been MANY tears sown as seeds in this season. There have been MANY tears that have been cried and I have collected each one. There have been many tears sowed in obedience, in faith and in worship of who I am and My goodness while the battle has been raging. I have seen it all. I have seen the intense season of weeping that many have endured. In the intense season of weeping, I have drawn My people deeper. I have invited them to come deeper into My heart to know the stability of My Word and My goodness. The anchor of My nature and the power of My name. For in the intense weeping, there has been a maturing and a fortification that I am bringing to My people. A strength that cannot be stolen as they lean into Me. For the time has come for the weeping they have endured to come to an end, and the season of harvest to be released. For many have felt like they endured much for nothing, but the OPPOSITE is true. There have been sacrifices, there have been tears in the night hours, there have been many nights of incredible depths of intercession, but NOTHING is wasted. NOTHING is wasted. I have collected all the tears, they have been sown as seeds and now there is significant shifts taking place. There has begun POWERFUL demonstrations of the power of My name and My blessing. This will continue to manifest rapidly. There is nothing that has been wasted. In the fire, in the battles, in the opposition, I have been building in My people the revelation of the power of ACTIVATED FAITH and the POWER OF PRAISE. My people are coming up higher into the awakening of living in their truly reality and that is My realm, and every Word that flows from My mouth."
The Lord continued to speak:
"For many have been in the place of such deep weeping in the lack, in the place of lack of breakthrough and momentum but I have decreed that now there shall be WEEPING IN THE OVERFLOW. For there is such abundant harvest that is beginning to be reaped amongst My people that is going to bring forth tears of JOY, laughter and glee. Many areas where the enemy has come hard against My people and there has been so much weeping, now I have decreed that My blessing, breakthrough, harvest and blessing released by the power of My Spirit will cause the enemy to flee in fear as he is again reminded of his defeat."
There is FIERCE and VIOLENT repayment, restoration and recompense that God is releasing in this season. He has been releasing it for quite a while now, but the Lord showed me a MAJOR TAKE OFF and increase of momentous ACCELERATION of major repayment, restoration and recompense being released to God's people. There is a whole other level of acceleratory repayment and restoration happening.
For the Lord said to me:
"NOW it is going to make sense to My people even more than it EVER HAS why the battle has been so fierce, WHY the enemy has come against them so strongly to take their land. This is not just another shift of repayment and recompense, the shift that has been taking place recently is MOMENTOUS. In the heavens I am THUNDERING "The greatest demonstration of OVERFLOWING HARVEST is upon My people."
The sense surrounded me so strongly that the Lord is calling His people to get DEEPER into the Word, get DEEPER into the promises that are yours in Christ because the Lord is wanting you to EXTEND, ACTIVATE and ANTICIPATE!!! I heard the Lord saying over and over "EXTEND, ACTIVATE AND ANTICIPATE" and it was all rooted in FAITH.
The Lord went onto say:
"FEAR has come against My people SO intensely in the weeping and battles looking for their agreement with lies so he can attempt to prevent the extension, activation and anticipation of major breakthroughs contained in the truth of My Word, but his attempts are falling to the ground as a MAJOR WIND of My Spirit is BLOWING across the body of Christ bringing healing, freedom and deliverance. Deep refreshment and renewal is being released to My people and MAJOR harvest and breakthrough that is igniting a whole new level of FAITH and the ACTIVATION of FAITH within My people."
Extend, activate and anticipate the move of God in your life to significantly increase right now. Your expectation and what you place your faith in is POWERFUL. I know many of you are weary, I know many of you are discouraged in the battle you have endured, but I want to encourage you that the Lord is decreeing that you are now returning with JOYFUL laughter, shouting with gladness as you bring back armloads of blessing and harvest overflowing.
I heard the Lord say:
"You are COMING OUT not the SAME WAY you WENT IN!!!!!"
You are coming out of the captivity you have felt in the season of weeping. You are coming out in freedom, RESTORED and WEEPING in joy and gladness.
I saw the Lion of Judah standing over you and your home and He roared LOUDLY. As He roared I heard the decree of His heart over you:
"The lion (enemy) has come against you to steal, kill and destroy, constantly seeking to devour you, (John 10:10, 1 Peter 5:8) but here I am, the Lion of Judah and I am roaring over you right now that a NEW SEASON OF ACCELERATED WEEPING IS UPON YOU! You shall weep MORE NOW than you ever have, but your weeping shall be different. Your weeping is weeping at the MIGHTY MIRACLES that I am doing in and through your life. You are not coming out the same way you went in. You are coming out with ARMLOADS of blessings and harvest overflowing!!!!!!! You are coming out and into the greatest season of JOYOUS WEEPING that you have ever experienced. I am ROARING OVER YOU!!!!! This IS your season of restoration, recompense and renewal. It's HERE!!!!!"
"And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord.” (Luke 1:45)
Lana Vawser
Contact: info@lanavawser.com
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