This is a season where many are battling discouragement and depression and the oppression of the enemy. I believe this Word is for many and not just for me.
“Where have you been, My child? Where have you been running off to and leaving Me behind?
You say that you are doing those things for Me that you get involved in but mainly they’ve all been just distractions from being with Me.
Don’t allow the enemy to tempt you to justify your actions.
Do not believe the lies of the evil one for he only comes to steal, kill, and destroy who you are in Me. He wants you off from others who love Me, and you, so he can have you all to himself.
You say that you don’t like what others in The Church are doing but what are you doing?
Are you reaching out to the lost to share My Love with others when you aren’t even able to receive the love that I have for you.

This is the day of the great falling away and many are giving ear to the evil one and become islands to themselves when the most important thing is for you to be part of My Bride, My beloved, the ones I gave My life for.
You are part of the Family of God, but you treat yourself as one who has an orphan heart, one who has been rejected, and cast to the side as useless. That is a lie for you have much to give to others.
You have a heart of true worship. You have a heart after Me, but the enemy has been trying to take that from you, but I have planted it deep from before the foundation of time.
I have sealed you to be Mine and I have shed My blood to purchase your salvation. You are mine!
So, believe in Me and trust Me and commit your life to follow Me.
One step at a time I lead and guide you to where you should go.
Remain silent upon your bed and I will teach you and restore you to Truth.
You are part of the Family of God. You are My Child and I Love you!”
Yolanda Ballard
Live Dec 12 Jan Jansen and Theresa Phillis
Realms of Glory Testimonies